
Los Angeles Arcadia Interfaith Prayer Day Unveils Infinite Hope with "Hope Chest"

The Los Angeles Arcadia Interfaith Action Group (AIAG), in conjunction with the annual National Day of Prayer, held a prayer event on May 2, 2024, at Santa Anita Church in Arcadia. Representatives and followers from Christian, Islamic, Catholic, Sikh, Bahá'í, Jewish, Hindu, and Buddhist communities, totaling around 200 people participated. Ven. Hui Ze, from Hsi Lai Temple, led the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) members and the Buddha’s Light Youth Symphony Orchestra (BLYSO) in attendance.

The theme of the prayer meeting was the "Hope Chest." Father Kevin Rettig, representing the Catholic faith, began the event with a story, emphasizing that "hope" was not merely passive waiting but active engagement, offering hope to others through practical actions.

In line with the theme, each religious representative randomly selected a poem or prayer related to the theme from the chest and read it aloud. Rabbi Ira Rosenfeld read "A Prayer for the Offering of Light" by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, representing Buddhism. Ven. Hui Ze read a Sikh prayer.

The event kicked off with performances by the Buddha’s Light Youth Symphony Orchestra (BLYSO), followed by songs from Rev. Gina Milligan and Jimmy and Tony Licata. The finale featured the BLYSO performing "Ode to the Venerable Master" and "Dance of the Hours," concluding the prayer event successfully.

(Photos provided by the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) Los Angeles Chapter)