. 佛光緣美術館西來館線上首展 「尤尉州-歡喜羅漢茶禪一味藝術展」:抄經禪畫 Yu Wei Chou Happy Arahat Tea and Chan Art Exhibition Display 4 Key Topics: Sutra Transcription and Chan Painting


尤老師當學徒的時候,他的老師要求每天要抄一篇心經。那時候他未滿二十歲; 時間飛逝來到年近五十歲的他,依舊日日抄經,唯一改變的是用毛筆抄經畫羅漢。 地藏經.普門品.藥師經.雜阿含經.金剛經.心經…….伴隨無數的春秋

抄經功德不可思議/冤親債主變成菩提眷屬, 大溪佛光山寶塔寺的萬佛牆與地藏牆還有山門口的閱藏彌勒.法輪等等…都是出自尤老師的手,也是這樣因緣讓本來沒信仰的太太懂得禮佛求懺悔,進而求授三皈五戒菩薩戒。



Sutra Transcription and Chan Painting

When Master Yu was an apprentice, his master would ask him to transcribe one Heart Sutra daily. At that time, he was still under the age of 20. Time flew by, he is now almost 50 years old. He continues to transcribe Heart Sutra daily. The only difference is that he uses a Chinese brush to transcribe the sutra and to paint arhat. Ksitigarbha Sutra, Universal Gate Chapter, Medicine Buddha Sutra, Samyukta Agama, Diamond Sutra and Heart Sutra have accompanied him through countless springs and autumns.

The merits of sutra transcription are inconceivable. Karmic creditors become bodhi couple. The Ten Thousand Buddha Wall and Ksitigarbha Wall of Fo Guang Shan Temple Pagoda in Daxi District, the Librarian Maitreya by the entrance gate, the Dharma Wheels and so forth are all derived from the hands of Master Yu. They are the same causes and conditions that his wife, who originally was not a religious person, learns how to prostrate to the Buddha, asks for repentance, subsequently, has taken refuge in the Triple Gem, and is upholding the Five Precepts and the Bodhisattva Precepts.

Master Yu once heard from his wife, while attending a Dharma service, for each prostration to the Buddha, she would say, “May this merit be dedicated to Yu Wei Chou. Hope he will be happy to see me.” Ever since then, Master Yu would make the same dedication of merit to his wife after his completes each sutra transcription, “Hope my wife is happy to see me!”

The Chan paintings are on display this time. Hope everyone will enjoy them.


Sutra Transcription and Chan Painting

No. 16


Sutra Transcription and Chan Painting

No. 17


Sutra Transcription and Chan Painting

No. 18


Sutra Transcription and Chan Painting

No. 19


Sutra Transcription and Chan Painting

No. 20